NextJS 10 Has Me Sold: Is It Beating Gatsby Now?

NextJS 10 Has Me Sold: Is It Beating Gatsby Now?

This is already old news admittedly.

NextJS 10 was recently released and brought with it built-in image optimization.

Add to that the addition of getStaticProps in version 9.3 (for static builds), and you now have a perfect contender for GatsbyJS.

I briefly tested out NextJS 10’s image optimization and it’s unbelievably easy and straightforward (+ no messy GraphQL queries).

So I think I’m sold.

NextJS just seems to be killing it and far accelerating past Gatsby.

I still love Gatsby and believe it’s superior in how easy it is to get up and running (the plugin ecosystem is better and it’s quicker to get going).

But NextJS seems to be where it’s at right now.

I’m moving some of my Gatsby sites over to NextJS

I recently made a huge site conversion for my main site from Wordpress to Gatsby.

It took me probably 5 months - it was a big job.

I’m not going to rewrite the whole thing and move to Next yet.

But for all my small sites I am already in the process of moving them over. Most of the work is fairly simple (it’s all React after all).

I might even look into using a CMS (the new Strapi version is quite good) rather than MDX.

I’ll report on my experience soon.

Donovan Nagel

Written by Donovan Nagel

Christian, husband, dad, entrepreneur, dev, linguist, theologian and clown world survivalist. Follow on X.


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