Faith, Family and Life
Intellectuals And Society Review (Can't Recommend It Enough)
Sowell does a great job examining the often devastating and far-reaching influence of those who make their careers solely out of the production of intangible ideas.
Aussies Just Elected The Party That Ruined Their Lives For 2 Years
Australians just voted for Labor/Greens after having their lives destroyed for the past 2 years by the same people. Why?
Yes, I Am A Team Player. But I'm Not On Your Team.
Yes, I am a team player. The issue is, I'm not on your team.
Ukraine: To What Extent Is Russia The Bad Guy?
Russia just invaded Ukraine and everyone is hashtagging their solidarity for virtue points already. Is there another way to look at this?
Remember Your Own Death
What if instead of living in death denial, you live in death acceptance and constant remembrance?
Queensland Is Implementing Medical Apartheid [PODCAST]
QLD, the lucky state which has avoided COVID-19 and lockdown tyranny, has finally embraced a policy of medical apartheid.